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Posted on April 16, 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
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News from the Guidance Department:.
Please note the upcoming scholarship deadlines for the next two weeks.
The Jubilee Foundation Scholarship April 19th.
Attention Juniors, The ring ceremony will be held in the Auditorium on April 28th at 2pm.
Seniors, Graduation is quickly approaching. Please be checking our Community Scholarship Wall in Guidance and the Counselor Corner on our website to get all Scholarship applications turned in by their deadlines.
Our WMHS Senior Awards Day will be held Friday, April 26, at 8:30 AM in the auditorium. Students receiving a Community Scholarship or Award will be notified by invitation between April 22-25, however attendance is open to anyone who would like to come.
This Wednesday is Leap Testing for English II. Only those who are taking the test should be on campus that day.
Sports News:
On Thursday, Baseball will host OCS in an exhibition game that will double as their senior night.
Softball will take on East Ascension at home starting at 5:30. This will be a second round home playoff game. Let’s create a huge home field advantage for these ladies!
To any girls interested in playing soccer for the Lady Rebels next season, tryouts are April 22, 23, 24th! You will need to see Coach Barron in 2201 to sign up and receive a tryout packet. Don’t wait! Go see him as soon as possible!
Tryouts for girls powerlifting will be Thursday, April 25 at 3:45 PM in the old gym. You must have a current physical. Attire will be tennis shoes, athletic shorts, and a t-shirt, not tanks or cut off shirts. See Coach Sims in the old gym for any questions!
For Track and Field, the District 2-5A Track meet will be tomorrow at Ruston.
Tennis qualified 14 of the possible 16 entries for state competition yesterday. Boys Qualifiers are Brayden Ernst, Max Debruhl, Jack Blake, Connor Armstrong, Andrew Sartor, Hunter Furr. Girls qualifiers were Clara Cobb, Hannah Beebe, Jennie Anne Chase, Bella Alexander, Carley Ernst, Ellie Stone, Savannah Miller, and Chloe Snow. The Tennis regional will continue today, Brayden Ernst, Max Debruhl, Jack Blake, Connor Armstrong, Clara Cobb, Hannah Beebe, Jennie Anne Chase, and Bella Alexander are all semi finalists and will compete today in Ruston.
Golf will be at Querbys in Shreveport Today for the district championship!! Cole Masters, Grant Perry, Jace Crain, Nate Painich, and Luke Perkins will all be competing. Wish these guys luck!
To any boys interested in Rebel Soccer next year, Tryouts will be April 29th, 30th, and May 1st. Come by and see coach Dickman in room 1204 to pick up a packet. You must have an up to date physical to be able to try out.
Club and Organization News:
Powder Puff Football will be Monday, April 29th. See Mrs. Nix or Mrs. Jones for any questions. Fan tickets are still available! Purchase on Gofan!
West Monroe High School’s production of The Little Mermaid will take the stage starting April 17th and running one show a day until the 21st. Tickets are now available on gofans.
Attention Key Club.... please check your Google Classroom for the upcoming projects and to vote for end of the year activities. Deadline to vote is tomorrow.
Student Council Week is April 22-26. To celebrate Student Council Week, we will have dress up days, activities on the boardwalk during lunch, & a donation drive for the WMHS Care Closet. On Monday, you will "Dress like your favorite teacher", & Wednesday is "Dress like Adam Sandler". Stop by Mrs. Nix's Classroom (Rm 3105) to take a picture in your outfits. We will give out prizes for best dressed! For the donation drive, we are asking for the following items: backpacks & school supplies, body wash, body spray, & NEW male & female undergarments. Bring all items to either Rm 3105 or Rm 4208.
If you signed up for the CNA/EMR summer opportunity at Delta Community College, make sure you are on campus this Friday, April 19th! The information we will hand out is very important & time sensitive. Check with Mrs. Nix in Room 3105 for more information.
The West Monroe Rebel Color Guard has a long-standing achievement. They travel with the band to competitions in the fall semester and aid the band in crucial elements to portray the music the crowd hears. In winter, they compete at indoor competitions exhibiting their skills and talents. . They want HARD WORKING, DEDICATED, and TEACHABLE young people to join the team. If you are interested in finding out more or participating in auditions, packets are available in the front office. They look forward to seeing you at the auditions.