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Syllabus and Lesson Plan



Course Instructor:


Course Description:

Study Skills is a class designed to assist students through the requirements of their mainstream classes.  Students will work on individual assignments given to them in other classes with the opportunity to ask questions and clarify information in a smaller group setting.  Students have time to read, do research, or work on homework/classwork assignments. 


Course Objectives:

  • Complete classroom activities and/or projects in preparation for weekly assessments as well as standardized tests.
  • Bring materials needed for studying, organizing, and completing homework/classwork.
  • Utilize time in Study Skills wisely and maintain maximum time on task.


Course Materials:

  • Regular education textbooks/workbooks
  • Regular education handouts/study guides/assignments
  • Binder/notebooks with subjects clearly identified
  • Calculators
  • Note Cards, study aids/materials needed for specific activities or projects
  • Assistive Technology devices as indicated on the students’ IEP


Course Grading:

            Grades are given weekly following the class rubric.  Students grades are based on participation, coming to class prepared, being on time, completing work, behavior and attitude in the classroom and grades from the regular classrooms.  This class depends on students coming prepared with work to do.  If you do not have assignments from other classes, you will be expected to work on teacher provided activities, studying for upcoming tests, or reading a book for ELA.


Course Rules:

  • Listen carefully
  • Follow directions
  • Work quietly
  • Respect others and their belongings
  • Follow the rules and procedures identified in the WMHS handbook

Course Procedures:

  • Be in the classroom before the tardy bell rings with all materials ready
  • Raise your hand whenever you need assistance
  • Be actively involved during class
  • Do NOT get out of seat at the end of class until I dismiss you!!


Cell Phone/Electronic Use Policy:

            Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed to be on during class time.  Students will get a warning to turn-off and put away their phones the first time.  Subsequent use will result in the device being confiscated and given to the office.  A parent or guardian will have to pick up the phone/device at the principal’s office.


Study Skills Rubric


Unprepared (F)

Not Yet Achieved(D)

Developing (C)

Proficient (B)

Advanced (A)

Materials and organizational skills

Consistently lacks materials and organization

Materials are often incomplete and unorganized and often asks to borrow writing utensils, paper, or copies of handouts

Lacks necessary materials occasionally and is unorganized.

Brings all necessary materials to class every day and they are somewhat organized.

Brings all necessary materials to class and they are well organized, and maintained


Consistently tardy

Is tardy to class more than three times per term w/out a pass.

Is not tardy to class more than three times per term w/out a pass.

Is not tardy to class more than three times per term & has pass explaining reason.

Arrives to class on time every day.

Assignment completion

Assignments consistently incomplete or late

Assignments are handed in after due date or not at all.

Assignments are ready to be handed in but forgotten at home, or other excuse.

Assignments are handed in on time, when requested during class.

Assignments are ready to be handed in before the due date.

Note taking

Consistently does not take notes

Notes are incomplete or not taken.

Notes are incomplete or not thorough enough to aid in learning.

Takes notes in class.

Copies notes, & reorganizes materials to assist in learning.

Homework completion

Consistently does not complete homework

Homework is rarely completed or passed in.

Homework is incomplete at least three times per term.

Completes homework assignments & works outside of class.

Does extra work to learn rather than for a grade.

Work habits

Consistently lacks engagement in class

Works only as long as teacher is involved.  Lack of student engagement.

Works well w/ occasional redirection & prompting but attempts to socialize during class time.

Works independently throughout class.

Works until the end of class, will remain after class to finish work, or takes work home.

Time management

Consistently misuses class time

Often procrastinates or completes assignments at the last minute.

Occasionally procrastinates or completes assignments at the last minute.

Starts work & paces tasks to ensure project is completed on the due date.

Independently starts work & paces tasks to ensure project is completed well before due date.

Class Grades in Core Subjects

Consistently is failing due to lack of effort

Majority of grades are passing. Has a grade of F occasionally

Majority of grades C-D

Majority of Grades B-C

Majority of grades are A-C











West Monroe High School Lesson Plan


Jennifer Wilson


Study Skills









  • L.9-10.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing/speaking
  • L.9-10.3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
  • L.9-10.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
  • W.9-10.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. 
  • A1: A-REI Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning. 1. Explain each step in solving a simple equation as following from the equality of numbers asserted at the previous step, starting from the assumption that the original equation has a solution. Construct a viable argument to justify a solution method.



The Learner Will be able to:

  • Extend basic and technical vocabulary and grammar to all subject areas using a variety of strategies, including use of context clues
  • Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts for all subjects using a variety of strategies, including making inferences and drawing conclusions
  • Apply problem solving and sequencing skills to Algebra problems to find solutions 


Day of Week






1.Check class folders and complete make-up work or unfinished tests.

2.Complete English, Science, and Civics study questions and vocabulary.

3. Complete Math Homework

3.Study for tests for this week.

Smart board, literature and civics textbooks, study guides


Study vocab, study questions and answers



1.Check class folders and complete make-up work or unfinished tests.

2.Complete English, Science, and Civics study questions and vocabulary.

3. Complete Math Homework

3.Study for tests for this week.

Smart board, literature and civics textbooks, study guides


Study vocab, study questions and answers



1.Check class folders and complete make-up work or unfinished tests.

2.Complete English, Science, and Civics study questions and vocabulary.

3. Complete Math Homework

3.Study for tests for this week.

Smart board, literature and civics textbooks, study guides


Study vocab, study questions and answers



1.Check class folders and complete make-up work or unfinished tests.

2.Complete English, Science, and Civics study questions and vocabulary.

3. Complete Math Homework

3.Study for tests for this week.

Smart board, literature and civics textbooks, study guides


Study vocab, study questions and answers



1.Check class folders and complete make-up work or unfinished tests.

2.Complete English, Science, and Civics study questions and vocabulary.

3. Complete Math Homework, if any.

3.Study for tests for next week.

Smart board, literature and civics textbooks, study guides


Study vocab, study questions and answers

Higher Order Thinking Question(s)

  1. How can you use English and Reading skills to help you succeed in other subject areas?  
  2. How do good study and organization skills play a role in your overall academic success?


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